
5 Benefits To Owning A Riser Recliner

1. Sitting Down and Standing Up will no longer be difficult.

Ok so the obvious one first! So many people suffer every time they use a chair. People are great at adapting and many have just learned to live with the aches and pains that getting up and down can cause them. Easy relief is available.

Removing the inconveniences we suffer on a daily basis can have a dramatic boost to our overall wellbeing. A comfortable chair means that time spent in it is more enjoyable and ultimately more relaxing.

2. Elevating the legs while sitting has great health benefits!

As well as feeling awesome, raising the legs up to waist height while sitting can improve circulation. If sitting for long periods, gravity will do its thing and mean that blood can pool in your lower legs and impair blood flow to the rest of your body. Propping up the legs with the footrest will improve blood flow and help prevent or improve varicose veins. Other benefits of keeping the legs raised can include reduction in swelling which can occur from excess fluids (edema) or inflammation.

For post surgery (especially with Hip or Leg surgeries) keeping the legs raised is recommened to help reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and thrombophlebitis. The correct reclining lift chair can also help reduce swelling and pain post-surgery.

3. Pick a chair with a USB handset and stay connected

Many of the chairs in the Morris Living range come with a convenient USB charging handset. The user will be able to charge a variety of devices like phones or tablets without leaving the comfort of their armchair. This will give peace of mind to those in a support role knowing that they can remain connected to the wider family more easily.

By integrating a charging port into the controller we also removed the need for additional power adapters / chargers surrounding the chair. Doing this reduces the risk of trips and falls over misplaced phone cables.

Charging ports are compatible with most phones and tablet computers.

4. Riser chairs are a source of comfort, convenience and independence

Our soft, cushioned armchairs allow our customers to recline in positions that suit them best. The back rest can be moved forward for reading, tv or eating, and back for resting. The controls are designed to be easy to use, and allow activities to be carried out alone and independently without the need for aid from family or carers.

Family members can relax knowing that their loved ones are sat in comfort with the ability to move around as required. At the push of a button the chair will take care of lifting or reclining the user without the need for assistance.

Getting up is made simple by lifting the user to a convenient almost fully vertical position so that stepping away from the chair is easier. No more lifting bodyweight by pressing against the arms of chairs.

5. A Riser Recliner can help relieve back pain

With a dual motor chair especially, the choice of position will provide a more optimal sit. And this in turn can reduce and alleviate existing chronic back pain. 

Take stress off your backbone by reclining and relieving any back pain. Ensure the back is supported in the lower lumbar area for best effects. Some chairs will lie near-flat too, meaning an afternoon snooze is no problem. For longer periods of sleep though, we recommend a normal bed, or a mobility assisted one if necessary.

Looking for your perfect Riser Recliner?

Morris Living supply a superb range of risers perfect for any room, any style and with a host of features to ensure your comfort.

Quick delivery, in-home setup, 45 day return policy and extended 5 year structural warranty cover makes buying Riser Recliners online a safe and cost-saving process. Prices start from as little as £499 fully installed.


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